Articles in this issue
- E. K., A Spenserian Lesson in Reading
Frances M. Malpezzi, and [else], Vol. 4: 181-91
- Melting Earth and Leaping Bulls: Shakespeare's Ovid and Arthur Golding
Anthony Brian Taylor, and [else], Vol. 4: 192−206
- Satire and Subversion: Orwell and the Uses of Anti-climax
Brendan Wilson, and [else], Vol. 4: 207-24
- Herman Melville and Christian Grabbe: A Source for "The Godhead is Broken"
Eleanor Cook, and [else], Vol. 4: 225-27
- Of Fountains and Foundations: An Elaboration on Åke Bergvall
Patrick Grant, and [else], Vol. 4: 228-32
- Who is Speaking in Spenser's A View of the Present State of Ireland? A Response to John Breen
Andrew Hadfield, and [else], Vol. 4: 233-41
- A Response to Lisa Hopkins
Nancy A. Gutierrez, and [else], Vol. 4: 242-45
- A Comment on Roy Battenhouse's "Shakespearean Tragedy: Its Christian Premises"
Cecile Wiliamson Cary, and [else], Vol. 4: 246-50
- The Scarus-Episode in Antony and Cleopatra: A Response to Roy Battenhouse, Shakespearean Tragedy
Inge Leimberg, and [else], Vol. 4: 251-65
- Herbert's Titles, Commonplace Books, and the Poetics of Use: A Response to Anne Ferry
Matthias Bauer, and [else], Vol. 4: 266-79
- Reflections on Jürgen Wolter's "Metafictional Discourse in Early American Literature"
Terence Martin, and [else], Vol. 4: 280-82
- Faulkner's Racism: A Response to Arthur F. Kinney
Pamela Knights, and [else], Vol. 4: 283-99
- Faulkner, Race, Fidelity
John Cooley, and [else], Vol. 4: 283-99
- Is it a Boy or a Girl? Gender as the Ever-Present Authority and Anxiety in Bishop Studies
Kathrine Varnes, and [else], Vol. 4: 172-80
- More Metadrama than Antidrama: Thoughts and Counter Thoughts on Bernd Engler's "Arthur Kopit's The Hero in Context"
Thomas P. Adler, and [else], Vol. 4: 319-24